-Comment by "Christian" (in article entitled The New Language by Christopher West about Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body)
"As with any theology or talk of the things of God, one can only grasp the Truth if he/she is asking for the grace of the Holy Spirit who reveals to us the mind, heart and spirit of God. God is infinite; we are limited. Anyone who is expressing an opinion without having sincerely prayed and with all humility-acknowledging their own limitedness- is speaking intellectually and emotionally, hence the comments that are expressed with anger and contempt for the things of God. If our perspectives are rooted in pride this means we want to be God. We prefer to be full of ourselves rather than let Him fill us with His love and Truth. It cannot be both ways. We have to empty ourselves and make room for His Holy Spirit to lead and show us the way. The question is do we even want to do that? Sex is God's idea. The world would have people think God is so weird and against it. The world has taken something beautiful and distorted it in the name of psychology and a false understanding of what human persons truly need. People who think they are free because they can do whatever they want with their bodies are not free at all. They are enslaved. To be sexually free is to be liberated from being constantly obsessed with the thought that sex is needed no matter how much love, dignity, commitment and union are absent. Once again to believe this we need God to lend us His light to see; otherwise we are perceiving things at a serious disadvantage. Our bodies are not our own. They will one day perish and so it matters very much to God what we do with them. Unfortunately people are living on this earth like they will never leave. It is time to wake up and look to things eternal and sow seeds from now that will bring us back to God who is Holy and wishes that not one soul should perish. It is the Church's role to tell of us of the plan of salvation and how we are to live. Everyone is in the plan but sadly not everyone accepts the plan. God respects that freewill but because He loves us He will keep reminding us (through the Church) of the Truth even if people are refusing it. The bottom line is are people truly seeking the Truth? Do people want the Truth? There are those who are praying and asking and those who are not. There are those that love the world and live for counterfeit pleasure and those that know they have tasted something that nothing and no one in this world can give except our one true God and His perfect plan for our bodies now and forever."
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The Birds and the Bees
Thursday, December 25, 2008
His Birth and Our New Birth
- Oswald Chambers in My Utmost for His Highest
"Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name 'Immanuel,' which is translated, 'God with us'"(Matthew 1:23).
His Birth in History. 'That Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God' (Luke 1:35). Jesus Christ was born into this world, not from it. He did not emerge out of history; He came into history from the outside.
Jesus Christ is not the best human being the human race can boast of — He is a Being for whom the human race can take no credit at all. He is not man becoming God, but God Incarnate — God coming into human flesh from outside it. His life is the highest and the holiest entering through the most humble of doors. Our Lord's birth was an advent — the appearance of God in human form.
His Birth in Me. 'My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you …' (Galatians 4:19). Just as our Lord came into human history from outside it, He must also come into me from outside. Have I allowed my personal human life to become a 'Bethlehem' for the Son of God? I cannot enter the realm of the kingdom of God unless I am born again from above by a birth totally unlike physical birth.
'You must be born again' (John 3:7). This is not a command, but a fact based on the authority of God. The evidence of the new birth is that I yield myself so completely to God that 'Christ is formed' in me. And once 'Christ is formed' in me, His nature immediately begins to work through me.
God Evident in the Flesh. This is what is made so profoundly possible for you and for me through the redemption of man by Jesus Christ."