from the January 7, 2009 reflection in One Bread, One Body (Volume 25, Number 1)
"They were taken aback by these happenings." —Mark 6:51
"Throughout Epiphany week, God's word proclaims Jesus' mastery over creation. He can heal the sick (Monday), multiply food (Tuesday), and walk on the water (today) (Mk 6:48). These miracles show us Jesus' almighty power and how much He emptied Himself (Phil 2:7) when He became a helpless Infant. The all-powerful Creator of the world could not walk, talk, or roll over. The second Person of the blessed Trinity talked baby-talk, wet His diapers, and spit out His food. Almighty God weighed just a few pounds, shivered, cried, and nursed at His mother's breast.
The message of Christmas and God's incarnation is shocking. He Who created the billions of galaxies with billions of stars, Who created the countless creatures on this little planet, became completely dependent on His parents, just like us. It seems almost blasphemous to suggest that God became a weak human being. Yet He did, out of love for us, and amazingly, "we must have the same love for one another" (1 Jn 4:11). "If we love one another God dwells in us" (1 Jn 4:12). "God is Love, and he who abides in Love abides in God, and God in him" (1 Jn 4:16). The meaning of Christmas is shocking, but ultimately, it is love."